5km Series - Event 2


Sun 21 Nov 2021 06:00 — 07:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The 5km Series has been a long-standing and popular feature on the ASRWC calendar. Each of the 3 events will start at 6.00am at the Telegraph Station. This year for the first time each event will be held on a different course.

Event 2 will be a road course. The course will consist of 3 loops - each loop starting at the entrance to the lawns and running through the carpark up to the mail entrance gate and back to the start. A map of the course can be ddownloaded by clicking Course Map Event 2

A light breakfast will be provided after each event.

All entrants will be responsible for providing their own water.

Each event will be held using our Covid guidelines - and it is important that you stay at home if you are feeling unwell before the event.