Training on Trails - April

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Sun 06 Apr 2025 06:00 — Sun 27 Apr 2025 11:00
See all dates
Simpsons Gap, Simpsons Gap

Basic details

Select tickets

Sunday 6th April - Let's Do Euro and Beyond (15km) Sunday 13th - Let's Bring It Together (16.5km or 21km) Sunday 27th- Yes, We’re Really Doing This.. (20km or 26km)

Event Waiver

I agree to the following as conditions of participating in this social run/walk.

I acknowledge that I am participating in this at my own risk. I will take all reasonable measures to protect myself from the risks of participation.

I accept all responsibility for travel and medical insurance and for payment and/or reimbursement of medical/surgical expenses incurred on my behalf.

I am responsible for all property I bring to the  Event site/s and that Alice Springs Running and Walking Club accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to this property. I release Alice Springs Running and Walking Club (and their committee, volunteers, contractors, sponsors and / or agents) from any claim and from any liability (to the extent permitted by law) for or as a result of any loss, injury or damage suffered by me in relation to my attendance and participation at the Event, how so ever caused, including any claim or liability which arises due to any negligence of Alice Springs Running and Walking Club (and their committee, volunteers, contractors, sponsors and / or agents).

I consent to the publication and/or use in any form of media whatsoever of my name, race result, image, voice, statement or otherwise, including the publication of my name and/or event result and applicable age bracket in marketing materials/website without payment or compensation.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people I understand that images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders may appear in the above-mentioned forms of media including printed and electronic materials for several years. And, if I am an Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander, Alice Springs Running and Walking Club will take reasonable steps to prevent images from appearing on material published after my death. However, I understand and agree that, despite those efforts, the images may still be published.

To the best of my knowledge, I am not suffering from a condition that would prevent and/or render me unfit to participate in the Event.

Drinks WILL NOT be provided by ASRWC. For hydration throughout the run/walk you must carry your own hydration and nutrition

By registering for this social run/walk, you agree to obey all volunteer marshal instructions before, during, and immediately after the event. Failure to do so may result in immediate disqualification and possible bans from future ASRWC events.

This is a volunteer-run community social run/walk.