
ASRWC September News + Upcoming Events

Published Fri 20 Sep 2024

What a fantastic month of running and walking in Alice, and what a weather rollercoaster we’ve been on, too!! 

Who’s been to Spencer Valley to enjoy all of those stunning wildflowers? I know members of the committee certainly have. We are so fortunate to be able to run on Arrernte land, which so many people that are passionate about and take care of the land. A big shout out to the various Landcare groups, rangers, and all of the volunteers who have shown such awe-inspiring dedication over the years. We thank you all profusely for your efforts.

The Alice Springs Masters Games entries for road and trail walking and running events closed earlier this week, with the exception of The Masters Mile. We’re pretty excited to deliver a fantastic race experience to over 100 runners and walkers!! You may have seen some social media posts covering each of the Road and Trail events; we’ll share more details as we work on the finer points of this enormous event.

River Run this month was another hit. We had 78 registered participants, and Kate and Sarah did a phenomenal job of race directing. The biggest thank you to our vollie team, who makes these events possible. Results will be shared on socials shortly, Katie has to re-add the divisions!!

Our AGM is coming up next month on Saturday, October 26th. We’ll send a separate email out soon with venue details, and a link to any relevant reports. During our AGM, we like to award members' achievements; the big decider is nominations from other members. Please take the time to respond:

And while you are there, we also have our 2024 Member Survey, which should only take 5-10 minutes. It helps us understand how we can tailor our services to suit the needs of our members better. For all the lovely people who take the time to respond, we’ll have a prize draw for a 12-month Strava Subscription :)

We hit a phenomenal milestone this month: 203 members!! We don’t know the full whys of it, but we figure all the little things we do have added up over time to further build this running and walking community in Alice Springs.

As a big thank you to Lone Dingo for supporting the club so much this year (merch pick-up point, prizes, general amazingness), the Summer Series will now be known as ‘The Lone Dingo Summer Series’!!

Now, enough of this chatter; there are so many events, both ours and third party too, to talk about and of course our July and August Members of the Month



PS: WMM tickets are being released on 1st October, and we have a sneaky peak of an addition to the race line up…  AND there's an ASRWC discount code for YMCA King of the Mountain

West Macs Monster News

New for WMM 2025: An additional 9 am wave is being created for the Simpson Monster (in addition to the existing 12 pm start). This means a 9-hour cutoff and cooler start, and WMM will donate $100 from every 25km 9 am wave entry to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The entry will be priced accordingly to take this donation into account. Keep your eyes out on socials on this one!! 

Learn or Return to Running is this Saturday, 21st September, at 7 a.m.!

We'll meet again at The River Activation Space, across from the YHA (where River Run is). Don't worry if you missed previous weeks; everyone is welcome! (registration is not required, as this is a social run). This week, we're heading up the footpath to Telegraph Station and coming back by Eastside Trail to enjoy Spencer Valley.

Last week, they put themselves to the test by doing a 5-minute warmup walk, then running/jogging for 6 minutes and walking 2 minutes x 4, with the last walk becoming the 5-minute warm-down.

THIS WEEK, we'll start with a warm-up walk, run 8 minutes, and walk 2 minutes x 3, then run 6 minutes and have a warm-down walk. If this feels like a leap too far, you can adjust accordingly.

If you want to join us for the first time, that's awesome. We can discuss with you on the day what intervals might be best.

We generally break into groups naturally based on pace, so don't worry too much about pace yet. Focus on what feels comfortable and push yourself just enough.

We can't wait to see you all again soon for a trot around the Todd!


River Run - Saturday 5th October

Register now:


November Club Social Run- TBA

We’ve been pondering how to do a social run that's inclusive of people who run or walk at different paces.. So what we’ve been thinking of is our ‘Speedster Runners’ will go one way on the route, our ‘Cruiser Runners’ another way, and our walkers will have a route of a smaller distance that has some cross-over. So we’re aiming for an effort of an hour-1.5 hours.This means we at least get to cheer each other on during the run/walk.

When some of the front of the pack in the Speedster group finishes, they can head out to bring in the back of the pack in the walkers and the Cruisers to make sure everyone makes it in ok and with some company :)  We’re open to suggestions, we want this to be fun for everyone and safe! If you have any thoughts on some good routes or suggestions please email us

July Member of the Month

Ken Napier joined the club last year and came along to The Summer Series. He had such a good time that we'd like to say he's now more of a runner than a rider. 🙂 Ay!!

Ken has been such a help at our events, lending a hand happily when needed. He was a massive help, especially during both Four Corners and The Red Centre Wringer. Without his contribution, we would have been lost. So, Ken, thank you so very much for participating with a smile and an even bigger one when you volunteer.

Wooo Ken!!

August Member of the Month

Bec Braganza is a vollie superstar; she did 2 The Red Centre Wringer Backyard Ultra sweep shifts and helped countless people through the heat of the day. She participates in ASRWC events with a big smile, and she's been kicking some big running goals this year. She had a fantastic run in Run Larapinta on the days she could make it; perhaps next year, she'll be the overall winner?

We have a feeling that this is just the beginning for Bec and her running journey and her vollie efforts; perhaps we'll be seeing a yellow WMM crew shirt soon? :)

Well done Bec, and thank you from the club for all your efforts! We appreciate you.

Third-Party Upcoming events

JDRF/One Walk

This weekend, Debbie Page is putting on the JDRF/One Walk. The event has a 2km and 4km route and supports an important cause: diabetes research.

Saturday 21st September, 8 am

The start line is by the Todd, across from Todd Tavern.

Register now

*this is a third-party event

YMCA King of the Mountain Discount Code

The YMCA has offered a 20% discount to ASRWC members. When booking, use the promo code KOM-ASRWC. If you have any issues with the code, please contact us.

Thanks so much,

ASRWC Committee